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Why I Flow: Rachel Thompson

Reverentially dubbed ‘The Lioness’ by fellow Flowists, Rachel Thompson has been a key presence–and inspiration–in the AF community almost since it began. Were it not for a back injury, she may have never begun the journey.

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The Artistic Power of Animal Flow

Being physically creative helps us to become flexible and brave in everyday life. Sara Bigatti tells us how her movement practice led her to a creative project that encouraged her to grow more than she ever imagined possible.

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Flowing in Real Time

We wanted to find out exactly what it is that motivates busy Flowists to pack a bag, leave their families and jobs behind, and fly to a foreign country for a week of movement. Not just once or twice but time and time again.

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Advice for New Flowists

Animal Flow is more than just a workout–it’s a skill-based practice that delivers a host of benefits to body and mind. We asked 10 of our global Master Instructors for their advice to Flowists who are just getting started.

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To Try is to Grow

The idea of failing or making mistakes can sometimes be enough to stop us from ever trying. Master Instructor Alisha Smith looks at the value of choosing participation over perfection, and giving things your best shot.

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