Animal Flow Level 1 Glasgow (Feb)

Activ Scotland 142 West Nile Street - 2/1, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (13 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $347.50 – $695.00 22 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 CERTIFICATION EN LIGNE (Fuseau Horaire France et Montréal)


Venez nous rejoindre pour la formation d'Animal Flow® L1 (Niveau 1), enseignée en ligne par un vidéoconférence (par Zoom). La formation sera enseignée en direct par Master Instructor Fréyja Spence. Au cours de 13 heures, vous couvrirez toutes les techniques nécessaires pour la Certification de Niveau 1.

Get Tickets $297.50 – $595.00 19 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Osaka (Feb)

Link Dance Studio 4F Grandhill,1-5-6 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

AF L1では2日間(14時間)に集中して行われるワークショップで、30ものレベル1でカバーされる動きに加え、全てのスキルレベルの方に対するリグレッションやプログレッション、バリエーションを学ぶことが出来ます。 Animal Flow認定インストラクターになりたいフィットネスプロフェッショナルの方、また動きを良くしたい一般の方でもご参加頂けます

Animal Flow Level 1 NYC (Feb 2025)

Pearl Studios 500 8th Ave, New York, NY, United States

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (13 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $695.00 12 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Bangalore (Feb)

Academy of Strength No. 759, Third Floor, 100 Feet Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Appareddipalya, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (14 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Animal Flow Level 1 Virtual Online (March)


Join us for the Animal Flow® Level 1 Workshop, taught online via video remote (through Zoom). The workshop will be taught live by Master Instructor Roshan Chopra. You'll cover the entire Level 1 curriculum during the 13-hour course.

Get Tickets $297.50 – $595.00 23 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Canggu Bali (Mar 2025)

Canggu Bali Canggu, Bali, Indonesia

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (16 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $695.00 13 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Denver (Mar 2025)

Body Practice 5022 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO, United States

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (14 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $347.50 – $695.00 26 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 France (Mars)

Domicil’Gym Place du Maréchal Niel 2, Pin-Balma, Toulouse, France

Venez nous rejoindre pour La Certification Animal Flow® L1 (Niveau 1), à Toulouse, France, du 08 au 09 mars 2025. La certification sera enseignée en direct par la Master Instructor Freyja Spence.

Animal Flow Level 1 Abu Dhabi (Mar)

BodyTree Mubarak Bin Mohammed St, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (16 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Animal Flow Level 1 Seoul (Mar)

MAX Academy B2, 409 Baekjegobun-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

2일 동안 열리는 애니멀플로우 레벨1 워크숍(13.5시간)은 L1 30가지 동작들의 하위호환(regression)과 상위호환(progression) 및 변형 기술을 배우는 집중된 과정입니다. 인증된 애니멀플로우 인스트럭터가 되고자 피트니스 전문가뿐만 아니라 더 나은 움직임을 원하는 비전문가 모두에게 열려 있습니다.

Animal Flow Level 1 Chiba (Mar)

Torami Community center Ichinomiya, Chiba, Japan

AF L1では2日間(14時間)に集中して行われるワークショップで、30ものレベル1でカバーされる動きに加え、全てのスキルレベルの方に対するリグレッションやプログレッション、バリエーションを学ぶことが出来ます。 Animal Flow認定インストラクターになりたいフィットネスプロフェッショナルの方、また動きを良くしたい一般の方でもご参加頂けます

Animal Flow Level 1 Vienna (Mar 2025)

Arashi Collective - Movement Center Augasse 2-6, Wien, Wien, Austria

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (14 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $347.50 – $695.00 40 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Luanda (Mar)

PF XTREME Performance Avenida de Portugal, Luanda, Luanda, Angola

AFL1 é um workshop intensivo de 2 dias (14 horas) onde você aprenderá todos os 30 movimentos de Nível 1, incluindo regressões, progressões e variações para todos os níveis de habilidade. Aberto a profissionais de fitness que desejam se tornar instrutores certificados de AF e não profissionais que desejam apenas se tornar melhores impulsionadores.

Animal Flow Level 1 Manila Philippines (Mar)

Pure Pilates 1176 Quezon Ave. cor. Sct. Magbanua St., 3rd Floor Central Diesel Bldg, Quezon City, Manila, Philippines

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (14 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $173.75 – $695.00 59 tickets left