Animal Flow Level 3 Prague (Sep)

The Dancers’ Club Hartigova 929/19, 130 00 Praha 3, Prague, Czech Republic

Take your Animal Flow practice to a higher level of understanding at the Level 3 Workshop on Saturday & Sunday, September 7-8, 2024.

$397.50 – $795.00

Animal Flow Nivel 1 Barcelona (Sep)

Institut Humanista Carrer del Comte d'Urgell, 156, entlo 3, Eixample, Barcelona, Spain

AFL1 es un taller intensivo de 2 días (14 horas) en el que aprenderá los 30 movimientos del Nivel 1, incluidas regresiones, progresiones y variaciones para todos los niveles de habilidad. Abierto a profesionales del fitness que quieran convertirse en instructores de AF certificados y no profesionales que solo quieran convertirse en mejores motores.

$347.50 – $695.00

Animal Flow Level 1 Copenhagen (Sep)

DGI Byen Tietgensgade 65, 1704 København V, Copenhagen, Denmark

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (13 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $347.50 – $695.00 16 tickets left

Animal Flow Nivel 2 Barcelona (Sep) POSPUESTO

CEM Jupiter Carrer de l'Agricultura, 232, Barcelona, Spain

Lleva tu práctica de Animal Flow a un nivel superior de comprensión en el Taller de Nivel 2 el sábado y domingo 14 y 15 de septiembre de 2024.

$347.50 – $695.00

Animal Flow Level 1 Lisboa Portugal (Sep)

Lisbon Studio Calçada do Marquês de Abrantes, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

AFL1 é um workshop intensivo de 2 dias (14 horas) onde você aprenderá todos os 30 movimentos de Nível 1, incluindo regressões, progressões e variações para todos os níveis de habilidade. Aberto a profissionais de fitness que desejam se tornar instrutores certificados de AF e não profissionais que desejam apenas se tornar melhores impulsionadores.

Get Tickets $347.50 – $695.00 9 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Warszawa (Sep)

Akademia Kung Fu Tygrys i Żuraw ul. Długa 44/50, Warszawa, Poland

AFL1 to intensywny 2-dniowy (14 godzin) warsztat, podczas którego poznasz wszystkie 30 ruchów Poziomu 1, w tym regresje, progresje i wariacje dla wszystkich poziomów umiejętności. Zbadaj, jak używać każdego ruchu osobno, a następnie połącz je w kompleksowe przepływy.

Animal Flow Level 1 London (Sep)

London School of Capoeira Units 1 & 2 Leeds Place, Tollington Park, London, United Kingdom

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (13 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $347.50 – $695.00 31 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Vilnius, Lithuania (Sep)

Vilnius, Lithuania TBA Vilnius, Lithuania

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (13 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Animal Flow Level 1 Rotterdam (Oct)

Circus Studio De Kroon Building, Schiemond 20, Rotterdam, Netherlands

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (13 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $322.50 – $645.00 25 tickets left

Animal Flow Level 1 Istanbul (Oct)

Hope Alkazar Kuloğlu, İstiklal Cd., Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turkey

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $222.50 – $445.00 43 tickets left

Animal Flow Livello 1 Roma (Ott)

Rome TBA Rome, Italy

AFL1 è un seminario intensivo di 2 giorni (13 ore) in cui imparerai tutte le 30 mosse di livello 1, incluse regressioni, progressioni e variazioni per tutti i livelli di abilità. Aperto a professionisti del fitness che vogliono diventare istruttori AF certificati e non professionisti che vogliono solo diventare migliori motori.

Animal Flow Level 1 Tbilisi, Georgia (Nov)

Tbilisi TBA Tbilisi, Georgia

Присоединяйтесь к семинару Animal Flow® Level 1 в Тбилиси, Грузия, 2-3 ноября 2024 г. Обучение будет проходить 2 дня по 8 часов в день, с 10.00 до 18.00 в субботу и воскресенье. Семинар будет проходить на русском языке.

Animal Flow Level 1 Bucharest (Nov)

ELC Gym at The American International School Of Bucharest Bulevardul Pipera 196, Voluntari, Bucharest, Romania

AFL1 is an intensive 2-day (14 hrs) workshop where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. Open to fitness professionals who want to become Certified AF Instructors and non-professionals who just want to become better movers.

Get Tickets $272.50 – $545.00 46 tickets left