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Animal Flow Livello 1 Roma (Ott)
October 26, 2024 - October 27, 2024

Unisciti al laboratorio di livello 1 Animal Flow® in programma dal 26 al 27 ottobre 2024 a Roma! È il corso che ti consente di approfondire questa pratica di allenamento popolare ed efficace. Ci sono due giorni di sei e mezzo ore ciascuno, il sabato e la domenica alle 10:00-17:00 PALESTRE ITALIANE ROMA TERMINI. Con gli orari esatti da definire. Il corso si tiene in italiano.
Join us for the Animal Flow® Level 1 Workshop in Rome, Italy on October 26-27, 2024. The two-day event is six and a half hours each day, on Saturday and Sunday. It will be hosted by Smart Fitness Italia/Animal Flow Italy, at PALESTRE ITALIANE ROMA TERMINI, from 10:00-17:00. This workshop will be taught in Italian, by Master Instructor Agostino Celia.
L1 è un seminario intensivo di due giorni (13 ore in totale) in cui imparerai tutte le 30 mosse di livello 1, incluse regressioni, progressioni e variazioni per tutti i livelli di abilità. Esplorerai come e quando utilizzare ciascun movimento individualmente, nonché come collegarli insieme in flussi del tuo design.
L1 is an intensive two-day workshop (13 hours total) where you’ll learn all 30 Level 1 moves, including regressions, progressions, and variations for all skill levels. You’ll explore how and when to use each movement individually, as well as how to link them together into flows of your own design.
The workshop is open to fitness professionals and non-professionals, as we welcome everyone interested in becoming a better mover. Fitness professionals are eligible to become Certified AF Instructors, who are allowed to teach AF in personal training, group fitness classes, or other fitness programs. Becoming certified requires completing the test process after the workshop. Non-professionals all welcome to take the course for their own benefit, but are not authorized to teach it without first attaining an appropriate fitness credential. You can find the details on the certification process and benefits HERE.
About the Course
You’ll cover all 6 components of Animal Flow, including the Traveling Forms (the “ABCs” of animal movements); Switches and Transitions; Wrist Mobility; Activations; Form Specific Stretches, and, of course, Flows.
The workshop starts with base positions, which systematically build in difficulty and complexity over the two days. Movements are taught within the context of scientifically-based concepts relevant to anyone working in health and fitness industries. By the end of the second day, the entire class will be performing a sequence known as the Beast flow which integrates a large majority of the movements from the workshop. This becomes a structure from which they may begin their own creative practice.
Find more details about the Level 1 Workshop here, including the specific movements covered in the workshop, the course objectives, and the test-out process.
What’s Included
Your registration includes:
- Complimentary access the full library of instructional videos for all Level 1 movements
- Hard copy of the new Student Manual
- Access to the private AF Instructors Facebook group.
- Access to Mike Fitch’s tutorial series reviewing the Call Out language used in AF
- Certificate of Completion, including proof of participation for Continuing Education credits.
Workshop Preparation:
The workshop is open to persons of all skill levels. You should be physically fit enough to support your own bodyweight in quadrupedal position and be medically cleared to participate in physical activities. Attendees must be at least 18 years old.
Upon registration, you will receive access to a welcome video, the Level 1 tutorials, and other pre-workshop information.
Continuing Education Credits
The Level 1 course is approved to provide continuing education credits from: ACE 1.1 CEUs; National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) 1.1 CEUs; Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) 11 CEUs; UK Registered Exercice Professioanla (REPS) from PD:Approval 10 CPD; New Zealand Registered Exercise Professionals (REPs) 13.75 5 CPDs; UAE REPS; Canfitpro – 8 canfitpro CECs (Assesement & Exercise Portion: 4 PTS; Program Design Portion: 4 PTS); Fitness Australia – 9 CECs pending renewal; Physical Activity Australia 3 PDPs.
Who and Where:
This workshop will be taught by Animal Flow Master Instructor Agostino Celia.
The event will be hosted by Smart Fitness Italia/Animal Flow Italy at PALESTRE ITALIANE ROMA TERMINI in Rome, Italy.
Cost and Payment Plan Options:
Normal Price: 640€ (IVA include). Early bird price 595€ (IVA include) until September 21st.
Early bird prezzo disponibile
Register at the Animal Flow Italy website.
If you need to cancel your workshop or other event registration, you may be eligible for a partial refund, depending upon length of time to the event, according to the following terms. Note that we schedule travel and instructor time based on the number of registrations several months in advance, so we cannot offer full refunds if you must cancel.
If you must cancel due to a conflict, emergency (including but not limited to having COVID), or other reason, you have the option of transferring your registration to a future online or in-person event.
If you are requesting a cash refund, the amount of refund is dependent on the length of time until the event. For registrations that have “paid in full” (early registration or regular registration), refunds are made minus a $15 processing fee, according to the following schedule: 60 days or more until event: 100%; 45-60 days 75%; 30-45 days: 50%; 15-29 days: 25%; two weeks or less until event: $0. Requests for cash refunds must be made within two weeks of your cancellation.
Otherwise, you will be provided with a transfer credit for a future workshop (credit expires within 1 year). There is a $75 transfer fee. Anyone who cancels within 1 week of the workshop, under any circumstances, will automatically fall under this transfer category. No exceptions.
For registration deposits, no refunds are provided within 90 days of the event.
It is allowable for you to transfer your registration to somebody else, although it is your responsibility to identify the individual and make any financial arrangements directly with them.
If an event is cancelled by GBT for any reason, a full refund (with no processing fee) shall be provided.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this refund policy.
Se hai bisogno di cancellare la tua registrazione al workshop o ad altri eventi, potresti avere diritto a un rimborso parziale, a seconda della durata dell’evento, secondo i seguenti termini. Tieni presente che pianifichiamo il viaggio e il tempo dell’istruttore in base al numero di registrazioni con diversi mesi di anticipo, quindi non possiamo offrire rimborsi completi se devi annullare.
Se devi annullare a causa di un conflitto, un’emergenza (incluso, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, il COVID) o altri motivi, hai la possibilità di trasferire la tua registrazione a un futuro evento online o di persona.
Se stai richiedendo un rimborso in contanti, l’importo del rimborso dipende dal periodo di tempo fino all’evento. Per le registrazioni che hanno “pagato per intero” (registrazione anticipata o registrazione regolare), i rimborsi vengono effettuati meno una commissione di elaborazione di $ 15, secondo il seguente programma: 60 giorni o più fino all’evento: 100%; 45-60 giorni 75%; 30-45 giorni: 50%; 15-29 giorni: 25%; due settimane o meno fino all’evento: $0. Le richieste di rimborso in contanti devono essere presentate entro due settimane dalla cancellazione.
In caso contrario, ti verrà fornito un credito di trasferimento per un workshop futuro (il credito scade entro 1 anno). È prevista una commissione di trasferimento di $ 75. Chiunque annulli entro 1 settimana dal workshop, in qualsiasi circostanza, rientrerà automaticamente in questa categoria di trasferimento. Nessuna eccezione.
Per i depositi di iscrizione non sono previsti rimborsi entro 90 giorni dall’evento.
È consentito trasferire la tua registrazione a qualcun altro, sebbene sia tua responsabilità identificare la persona e prendere accordi finanziari direttamente con essa.
Se un evento viene annullato da GBT per qualsiasi motivo, verrà fornito un rimborso completo (senza spese di elaborazione).
NON ci sono ECCEZIONI a questa politica di rimborso.