What Is An Animal Flow Regional Leader?

Regional Leaders (RLs) are our trusted re­presen­ta­tives and ambas­sadors who help promote and grow Animal Flow in their geographic region. Their primary responsibilities are to engage new fitness professionals into the Level 1 workshops, and to help new workshop students then connect with the Animal Flow community and embark on their AF journey. These are individuals who have been with the Animal Flow program for a while, have completed the Level 1 and Level 2 workshops, and are active in participating in other Animal Flow events. In return for their commitment to helping the Animal Flow community continually expand, they are awarded some special benefits (described more below).

The first group of 75 Regional Leaders was selected in November 2020. A second cohort was added in 2021, and a third in 2023, bringing the total number to 150 RLs spanning more than 40 countries. We are now accepting applications for a new round of Regional Leaders. Applications will be opened up in December 2024 for the next cohort, to begin in 2025,

Graphic image of a gold panther head

What do regional leaders do?

The primary responsibility of RLs is to engage fitness professionals into the Level 1 workshops, thereby helping to grow the AF community around the world. The 2023-2024 program for RLs will include a comprehensive series of online trainings and seminars aimed at preparing RLs to communicate what AF is, and to teach Master Classes in a variety of settings targeting different fitness professionals (and enthusiasts). The goal is for Master Class attendees to enroll in AF workshops, with the RL receiving a commission for referrals.

RLs are specifically asked to help with the following responsibilities. While it is not mandatory to complete each item listed below, RLs do need to participate in a substantial mix of them in order to maintain their Leader status each year. A point value will be assigned to each activity, and RLs will need to earn a specified number of points each year, to be documented in the year-end re-application.

  • RLs are required to participate in the Master Class training program. This series will teach RLs how to teach Master Classes in an official AF format, with unique class formats developed for different target audiences. This training series will be offered online, with two time zone options offered for each class. The classes will take place twice per month. While recordings will be made available for one week after each class, RLs should make every effort to participate in the live, interactive events rather than watching the recordings. RLs who miss more than two training classes without an approved excuse will not be allowed to continue the program.
  • RLs should be prepared to offer Master Classes or other demonstration events, with a specific goal of getting attendees to register for upcoming Animal Flow workshops. RLs will provided with referral codes that allow us to track how many new students are referred to workshops. We then pay a commission to the referring RL for every attendee. (Specific commission rates vary depending on whether the workshop is run directly by AF Headquarters or by a partner entity.)
  • RLs should convene a minimum of two Instructor Jams annually, including inviting local AF Instructors, reaching out to engage new AF students, and leading the jam. They should send in at least one video from each jam for sharing on the @animalflowofficial IG account
  • RLs should be active on the FB Instructor Group, offering feedback and encouragement to other members, including in particular new members.
  • RLs should help promote the articles published in The Flowist, sharing new articles on their social media including FB pages and IG stories. RLs are encouraged to share every Flowist article as soon as it is published, in order to help boost initial engagement stats.
  • RLs should assist with the promotion of Animal Flow on social media, including, in some cases, managing a local FB group, and/or managing a regional-based IG account
  • RLs may be invited to assist Master Instructors at L1 and/or L2 workshops as needed.
  • RLs may be asked to represent Animal Flow at local events and conferences (with prior approval).
  • RLs may be asked to represent Animal Flow in local media outlets, including digital, print, broadcast, and podcast media. This should always be done with prior approval.
  • RLs are asked to be available for referrals for workshop students who are seeking one-on-one assistance (in-person or online) to prepare for their AF certification test out. AF Headquarters may refer potential students for this, and students may reach out directly.
  • In some case, RLs may be invited to undergo training on how to conduct Level 1 certification test outs, and can then run Live Group Test Out events.

RLs are eligible for the following benefits and opportunities for compensation:

  • RLs can use the Regional Leader title when promoting their own AF services
  • RLs are provided with custom apparel with the Regional Leader title and logo on it.
  • RLs are listed on the Animal Flow website with a special designation in the Instructor Directory, with links to their own social media accounts.
  • If asked to assist with an L1 or L2 workshop, the RL is paid a stipend.
  • RLs receive a special referral rate for the AF Affiliate program: a commission on referrals to L1 workshops (specific rate depends on whether the workshop is run directly by AF Headquarters or by a partner entity) ; and 20% commission on referrals to the AF MACS book. This is a higher rate than that available through the regular affiliate program.
  • When RLs teach a Master Class or other similar event, they can set whatever charge they want and keep 100% of revenues (after covering any expenses). AF headquarters will help RLs promote these events.
  • If an RL provides one-on-one assistance to a student preparing for their test-out, they set their own hourly rate and keep 100% of the payment.
  • RLs receive a discount to attend Retreats and/or Mentorships.
  • RLs receive a discount to attend the annual AF Virtual Summit.
  • RL are permitted to offer Intro to Animal Flow classes (and/or Master Classes) which are targeted to fitness professionals, as long as they are shorter than 2 hours and it is made clear that participation is not for certification. These events should be coordinated with AF Headquarters and targeted toward promoting upcoming L1 workshops. RL keeps 100% of revenues from any fees charged for these classes. (Note that regular AF Instructors are NOT permitted to run classes targeting fitness professionals).
  • RLs may be permitted to create a local Animal Flow FB Group for their city or country, if such a group does not already exist. Admin Access must be granted to Animal Flow.
  • RLs may be permitted to create a local Animal Flow IG account for their city or country, if such an account does not already exist. Admin Access must be granted to Animal Flow.
  • RLs will be provided with a comprehensive training program on how to develop and teach Master Classes
  • RLs will be invited to participate in periodic special online events with Mike Fitch

While RLs are granted a special status with the AF company, they must still abide by general AF guidelines and must not engage in activities that are limited to Master Instructors or that otherwise infringe on the copyright and trademark property of the Animal Flow brand.

Following is a non-comprehensive list of some of the things RLs must still refrain from doing:

  • RLs may not teach Animal Flow “workshops” or any classes/events that sound like a “workshop.” This includes translations of the word “workshop” into other languages. We prohibit “workshops” because attendees frequently become confused by the nature of the event and think they are taking an official AF Level 1 workshop.
  • RLs may not portray themselves as a Master Instructor in any way, including blatantly using the title, or engaging in more subtle efforts that lead to the false impression that they are a Master Instructor.
  • RLs may not offer workshops, seminars or other instructional events or modules that are specifically targeted to other Animal Flow instructors, unless such events are directly coordinated with AF Headquarters.
  • RLs may not run Animal Flow Retreats, or use the name “Animal Flow” in a retreat title, without direct coordination with AF Headquarters.
  • RLs may not present at, or apply to present at, a conference while representing AF without prior approval from and coordination with AF headquarters.
  • RLs may not create their own AF Tutorial library, whether posted for free or made available to subscribers. They may continue to post flows and classes under the general Instructor guidelines.
  • RLs may not print or manufacture their own AF merchandise, including but not limited to printing shirts with our logo. Any creation of AF merchandise or apparel must be done through AF Headequarters.
  • RLs may not create their own AF products (including new AF programs, books, or full-length videos for sale).
  • RLs may not create their own AF website or use the AF name in a website URL.

RLs must adhere to the Instructor’s Agreement and the Animal Flow Code of Conduct at all times in order to maintain their status.

Animal Flow is committed to maintaining its program as a non-judgmental practice where all interested participants are welcome. RL must be anti-racist, and committed to creating an environment that offers equal access for everyone regardless of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability. This requires not just refraining from blatent discrimination, but actively working to make sure all individuals feel welcomed into the Animal Flow practice, and proactively seeking to make reasonable accommodations to make participation accessible as needed.

image of a zoom meeting with regional leaders


New applications for the Year 2025 will be accepted starting in December 2024.

We will select RLs from the pool of applicants who meet the following criteria. We list mandatory and preferred qualifications, but reserve the right to make final decision based upon the overall needs of each area. We will give priority to areas where we do not currently have any RLs and/or where we are trying to expand.

We expect to have many, many more highly qualified applicants than we can accept. This does not mean that you are not a valued member of our community, and we will invite you to apply again in the future.

Applicants should have these qualifications at a minimum. Instructors may still apply even if they are missing one or two items, but we will give preference to those who have all of these minimal qualifications:

  • Certification in Level 1 for at least one year;
  • Certification in Level 2;
  • Current teaching of Animal Flow through one-on-one or group sessions, in some format;
  • Maintenance of a strong social media presence is required in one of the following areas: Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; or TikTok;
  • Commitment to ensuring Animal Flow remains a welcoming, non-judgemental practice open to all interested individuals regardless of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability;
  • Ability to speak and teach in the local language. (It is not mandatory for Regional Leaders to speak English.)

These additional criteria are not mandatory, but preference will be given to applicants meeting these standards.

  • Have taken the L3 workshop;
  • Certification in Level 3;
  • Currently active on the FB Instructors Group, including engaging with and providing feedback to other members;
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, particularly for engaging others in the Animal Flow practice. For examples: have convened Instructor Jams; manage local social media group(s); have referred others to become Instructors or become engaged in other ways;
  • At least two years time since taking the Level 1 workshop is preferred
  • Attendance at least one official Animal Flow Retreat or Mentorship with Mike Fitch is strongly preferred. (While not everyone may have been able to attend such an event, high preference will be given to those individuals who have dedicated the time to one of these immersive experiences);