Animal Flow Level 1 Exam (Germany-Austria)

Animal Flow Level 1 Exam (Germany-Austria)

Congratulations on completing the Animal Flow workshop! In this section you will complete the written exam and course evaluation. Once you complete these steps, you will be able to download your Certificate of Completion.

Note that you will also need to complete the Live Demonstration Exam (live or submitted on video) separately in order to become a Certified Animal Flow Instructor. The instructions for the live exam are in your Student Manual. (These were also explained during the workshop.) You can download the complete instructions here: AF Certification Test Out Instructions

Once you’ve passed this written exam, AND the live test, you’ll receive your hard copy Certified Animal Flow Instructor certificate in the mail. You’ll also receive an email giving you your login information for the Members section, and instructions for creating your listing in the On-Line Directory.


Level 1 Exam – Germany-Austria

Length: 20 minutesComplexity: Standard

Complete the 20 question multiple choice exam. You may use your notes, and you can retake the Quiz if you don’t pass the first time.