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Master Instructor

Hsinchu, Taiwan

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Kelie brings a lifetime of enthusiasm for sports and fitness to her Animal Flow practice. She began her fitness career 7 years ago, quitting her job as an English teacher to join the fitness industry. By 2016 she had opened her own studio, Power of C Fitness Studio, focusing on women’s fitness and health in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

As she struggled to become an athlete, she realized being an athlete wasn’t just the physical condition of the body but a strong mind. Therefore she now strives to help clients achieve their fitness goals and become everyday athletes. In addition to Animal Flow, she teaches kettlebells, weight training, and spinning. She is also an interpreter for fitness-related workshops.

Kelie’s journey with Animal Flow started in 2018 when she first saw the promo video of Mike Fitch. After the Animal Flow Level 1 workshop with Alisha in March, she immediately fell in love with the program. She flew to Hong Kong for Level 2 and Advanced Flow Design with Richard in 2019. Now Kelie teaches both Animal Flow group classes and one-on-one classes at her studio.

Animal Flow has changed the way Kelie moves. She hopes to help more people discover the possibilities of their body movements through Animal Flow and become a stronger human animal!

Kelie 對運動一直抱有高度熱情。她在2013年辭去了英文老師的工作,開始投入體適能產業,並於2016年在竹北創立了以女性健康與運動為主的C次方運動教室。

從小到大,Kelie一直希望能夠成為一名運動員,長大後才明白,想成為一名運動員的先決條件並不只有生理上的優勢,還必須擁有強壯的心智。成為健身教練以後,她致力於協助客戶成為日常生活的運動員。現在Kelie除了壺鈴、重訓、飛輪與Animal Flow的教學外,也協助運動相關培訓課程現場口譯。

Kelie的Animal Flow 旅程從2018年她第一次看到創辦人的影片就開始了。參加了Animal Flow Level 1與Level 2以後,更奠定了Kelie對於Animal Flow的熱忱,並且決定推廣Animal Flow,讓更多人能接觸、了解這項運動。除了團體課程外,她也將Animal Flow加入私教課中,更廣泛地運用。

Animal Flow 改變了Kelie運動的方式,她希望可以藉由這項運動幫助更多人探索身體的可能,成為更強壯的人。

Qualifications & Certifications

  • University of Utah Speech Communication
  • American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer
  • Kettlebell Concept Level 2 instructor
  • Translator and co-presenter of SRE (Safe Return to Exercise- program for post/prenatal women)
  • HIRT (High Intensive Resistance Training) Level 2 instructor
  • THUMP Boxing Level 3 instructor
  • ViPR PRO instructor
  • Female Health & Performance Coach