L2 Test Out Submissions

L2 Test Out Submissions

Test Out Instructions

We look forward to reviewing your L1 Test Out submission. We’ve made it easy for you to submit everything directly through the forms on this page. 

Once we receive your complete submission, it will take up to 3 weeks for one of our Master Instructors to review your test and provide feedback.

Here are the Test Out Instructions, which can also be found in your L2 manual:

Much like your Level 1 Test out, you will need to complete a video submission in order to become a Level 2 Certified Animal Flow Instructor. You will need to demonstrate that you have retained your Level 1 techniques while integrating your Level 2 movements and principles within a choreographed flow. You are also required to demonstrate your ability to execute a tuck balance for at least one second and coach three Level 2 movements to a client.

There will be three sections of the Test Out. Each should be submitted in its own video:

  • Video 1: Your Flow (perform a 3-minute flow)
  • Video 2: Tuck Balance (repetitions)
  • Video 3: Teaching and coaching (teach a client three L2 movements)

Your flow should meet the following criteria:

  1. Be at least 3 minutes long
  2. Successfully integrate and perform a Tuck Balance for ONE second within your flow. Keep the Tuck Balance under 5 seconds so as not to take up too much time and to keep your flow moving. If you are still inconsistent with your tuck, be sure to attempt to hit the tuck towards the start of your flow instead of leaving it towards the middle or end.
  3. You must include ALL of the movements from L1 and L2 as per the lists at the bottom of this section.
  4. Over the course of a 3-minute flow, you will need to repeat movements which is expected. However, much like Level 1, we do not want to see movements mirrored side to side.
  5. Perform ALL of the Traveling Forms from Level 2: Bear, Crocodile, Leopard. You may also use any of the travels from Level 1. All travels should be used as a transition, limiting your Bilateral forms to 1 Repetition, Quadrupedal forms to 3 strides (Bear and Leopard), and Crocodile Crawl to 2 strides at most. As previously noted, 2 or 3 strides for Quadrupedal forms are not necessary, that is simply the maximum number that can be used.
  6. Do NOT include any movements from the OnDemand Bonus tutorials or Level 3.
  7. Demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of tempo changes, energy rolls, redirects and breaks. We want to see constant but various motion throughout the entire flow.
  8. If you set your flow to music, please wear earbuds when recording your test out. YouTube will block copyrighted music and this will delay your grading.

Movements to include in your Flow:

  • Reaching Underswitch
  • Underswitch to Deep Ape
  • Crocodile Roll
  • Pop Out
  • Roll Through
  • Scorpion Sweep
  • Tuck Balance
  • Forward & Reverse Beast
  • Forward & Reverse Crab
  • Lateral Apes V1, V2, V3
  • Forward Ape
  • Leopard
  • Crocodile Crawl
  • Forward Traveling Bear

At some stage within your flow, all the Level 2 movements should start and end as they are taught in the workshop: For example, a Roll Through should start and end as per how it was taught in the workshop versus an alternate ending position like Crab or Ape.

Submit a video of yourself attempting 3-6 repetitions of your tuck balance from either Lateral Traveling Ape V2 or Levitating SKT.

Your tuck balance repetitions should meet the following criteria:

  1. Show a controlled entry from either LTA2 or Levitating SKT and a controlled landing passing through High Hip Modified Beast.
  2. Your tuck can be held for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5 seconds on any given repetition. We want to see your most successful efforts and if they have variable durations, that is ok!
  3. It must utilize one of the four acceptable leg positions:
    • Legs Together and knees below hip line.
    • Legs Apart (straddle) and knees below hip line
    • Legs Together and knees at hip line d. Legs Apart and knees at hip line
  4. Every effort must be made to have an open shoulder line of 180 degrees.

Submit a video of yourself teaching and coaching THREE of the L2 moves to a client who has no prior experience with L2.

  1. Teach the movements to someone who is already familiar with Animal Flow, i.e a client you’ve already been working with but who does not know the L2 movements.*
  2. When teaching, use the teaching chunks that are listed in the manual and were taught in the workshop you attended.
  3. Take no more than THREE minutes to teach each movement from start to finish. Each movement should be covered in an unedited 3-minute video. Between all three movements that you teach, you should have a 9-minute video.
  4. From start to finish, 3 minutes should give you enough time to:
    • Introduce
    • Explain the language
    • Demonstrate
    • Observe
    • Coach/Give Feedback
    • Achieve relative success

Be sure not to move on until you feel comfortable with their performance of the movement. If you find that it is taking more than the allotted 3 minutes, stop the recording and spend some additional time helping them through the process and then record again.

*You cannot use a fellow instructor who is already familiar with the techniques as this does not allow us to give you accurate feedback on your coaching skills.

  1. DUE DATES : You should submit your THREE videos between 30 – 90 days after the workshop.
    • Do NOT submit it earlier than 30 days. We believe you need at least that much time to practice the movements.
    • You may need more than 90 days depending on where you are within your Tuck Balance journey. If this is the case, please email [email protected] to request an extension before the 90- day mark.
    • If you have an injury or another reason you can’t complete your videos within 90 days, you can also request an extension by emailing us at [email protected].
  2. VIDEO FORMATS: Submit THREE total videos.
    • one for Section 1 (Your Flow);
    • one for Section 2 (Coaching the three movements);
    • and a third for Section 3 (Tuck Balance).
  3. VIDEO QUALITY: The videos do no tneed to be very high quality, though we do need to see you clearly.
    • Filming on a cell phone using a horizontal format is sufficient.
    • You DO NOT have to include labels, or graphics, or elaborate edits.
    • Please make sure we can HEAR you in the coaching section. Avoid shooting in loud gyms, places with a lot of background noise, or with loud music.
  4. MUSIC: DO NOT use music in your videos.
    • You are encouraged to choreograph to a song but will need to use earbuds. We want to hear you coaching in your second video and music makes that hard.
    • In any of the 3 videos, if you upload a video that includes copyrighted music to YouTube, YouTube will block it and make it inaccessible to us.
  5. UPLOADING: Upload your videos to YouTube or another streaming service (Vimeo, etc.). Do NOT send us videos as email attachments that have to be downloaded, including via WeTransfer or Google Drive. We will not accept videos that we have to download to watch.
    • When you upload to YouTube, make sure the video is set to UNLISTED. Do NOT set it to “private” or to “public.” If it is private, we cannot see it and your video grading will be delayed. If it is public, anyone can see the moves and we will ask you to take the video down.
    • If you don’t have your own YouTube or other video streaming account, you can use the dropbox link included in the submission form.

Level 2 Instructor Test Out Submission Form
Instructor Track

Level 2 Flowist Test Out Submission Form
(self-practice Only)